Brynlee is 1 month old!

Marinne and Blake had their school Christmas program last night, and I was reminded why I choose to drive the 15 minutes to and from school twice a day instead of having them walk to the neighborhood school. Notice I said "Christmas" program, not "Holiday" or "Winter" program. The title of the show was "Come to the Manger", and most of the songs were about Christ and the true meaning of Christmas. I'm so grateful my kids attend a school that can have programs like this. The music teacher does a great job with the kids and they really like him.
Marinne and Blake had their school Christmas program last night, and I was reminded why I choose to drive the 15 minutes to and from school twice a day instead of having them walk to the neighborhood school. Notice I said "Christmas" program, not "Holiday" or "Winter" program. The title of the show was "Come to the Manger", and most of the songs were about Christ and the true meaning of Christmas. I'm so grateful my kids attend a school that can have programs like this. The music teacher does a great job with the kids and they really like him.
That was wayyy nice. But I wouldn't expect anything less from Bethany. GOtta love that girl!
The kids are growing up so fast and that baby girl is adorable!!!
I agree! Mr. Blau does such a great job and all the kids adore him. Glad we got to see you guys last night!
Marinne looks so grown up. Good for franklin. Sounds like a lovely program. Happy 1 monthe Brynlee.
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