On Christmas Eve, the "Christmas Elves" visit grandma's house with new jammies for everyone!
Papa MADE this amazing music stand for Marinne!
I have seen these material scrap flowers, and thought I'd try them. I rather like them, and think I'll make more for hair clips.
He says,
"We are to be:
I think I should post these words somewhere in the house, so I can remember how I should be!
This goes above and beyond cutting the crust off your kids' bread (which I don't agree with, BTW). Sure, these are cute, but who on earth has time for this? This is the statement on their site:
We hope to produce a book of our Funky Lunches to show you how to create them and how to incorporate new foods into your childs meal by distracting them from what they are actually eating.
Sorry, but I think parents should teach their kids to eat what they are given, even if it doesn't look like the latest cartoon character. Why do children need to be tricked into eating?What happened to the PARENT being in charge? Who's running the house if parents make alternate meals for the child who doesn't like what's for dinner? I guess I'm just venting because I feel strongly about teaching my children to be grateful for what they receive. I don't want my kids to be the ones that say they don't like something before they even try it.
Maybe I'm a "mean" mom, but my kids will continue to get regular shaped sandwiches in their lunches (crust included), vegetables on their plates, and the same meals as mom and dad.
O.K., I feel better now that I've gotten that off my chest! All that sparked by a picture of a "Funky Lunch"!